lundi 29 mai 2017



Lifeguard Mitch Buchannon (Dwayne Johnson) and a brash new recruit (Zac Efron) uncover a criminal plot that threatens the future of the bay.
Mon avis: 
Cela faisait 2 semaines que je n'était pas aller au cinéma et il me fallait un shot pour fixer cela (oui le cinéma est une drogue xD) et vu que j'attendais la sortie de Baywatch avec impatience j'ai couru cette aprèm pour le premier jour de sortie du film. 
Et boy il es vraiment bien! Dwayne Johnson es mec tellement cool! J'aimerais vraiment l'avoir en tant que meilleur copain ^_^ Et Zac Efron *O* Ce n'es plus le Troy Bolton que l'on a découvert dans HSM. Il a grandit ce petit.

Le film es aussi vraiment bien. L'histoire tiens la route et il y a de bons gag et de bonnes vannes. Ce n'es pas aussi marrant que ce dont à quoi je m'attendais mais on passe un super bon moment. 

Je le conseil :) 

In English:

It has been 2 weeks since I haven't been to the cinema so I needed a fix (Yes cinema is a drug xD) and because I was really looking forward for Baywatch I ran this afternoon on the first day out of the film.

And boy that is a good one! Dwayne Johnson is such a cool guy! I really want him to be my best friend ^_^ And Zac EFRON *O* He isn't the Troy Bolton we discovered in HSM. This little guy grew up. 

And the film is really nice. The story is good and there are some good gags and nice puch lines. It isn't as funny as I thought it would be but I had a really good time. 

You should see it :)

"Unfiltered" by Lily Collins

Quatrième de couverture: 

In this groundbreaking debut essay collection, featuring never-before-seen photos, actress Lily Collins—star of Mortal Instruments and Rules Don’t Apply—is opening a poignant, honest conversation
Mon avis: 
Lily Collins n'es pas seulement une bonne actrice, une des mes fashion favourites et la fille de Phil Collins. Elle est aussi une très bonne écrivain.Comme le prouve cette autobiographie.

Lily nous dévoile sa vie sans taboo. De ses petits amis abusifs à sa batailles contre l'anorexie et la boulimie en passant par sa carrière et la relation avec son père. Elle nous parle à coeur ouvert et cela m'a vraiment touché. 

Elle n'a pas eu une vie facile. Comme nous tous. Mais elle c'est battu et continue à ce battre tous les jours. Ce livre m'a tellement rapproché de cette femme. Je ne l'ai jamais rencontré mais ce livre m'a donné l'impression de parler à une super copine pendant une soirée pyjama. 
Je veux être sa meilleure amie maintenant xD 

Si vous connaissez Lily Collins je vous conseil sa biographie :) 

In English:

Lily Collins isn't just a really talented actress, one of my fashion favourites and Phil Collins's daughter. She is also an amazing writer. And this autobiographie proves how good she is.

Lily tels us about her life without any taboo. From her abusives boyfriends to her battle with anorexie and boulimie and from her career to her relationship with her father. She opens up freely and this really touched me. 

She didn't have a really easy life. Like a lot of us. But she fought and keeps fighting everyday. This book really brought me closer to this woman. I never met her but reading this book felt like talking to a friend at a slumber party.
I really want to be her best friend now xD 

If you knoz who Lily Collins is you should read this book :)

vendredi 19 mai 2017

Going in style


Lifelong buddies Willie (Morgan Freeman), Joe (Michael Caine) and Albert (Alan Arkin) decide to buck retirement and step off the straight-and-narrow when their pension funds become a corporate casualty. Desperate to pay the bills and come through for their loved ones, the three men risk it all by embarking on a daring adventure to knock off the very bank that absconded with their money.
Mon avis: 
Si vous vous attendez à du gros "Ocean eleven" n'allez pas voir ce film car celui ci es tout mignon tout pleins! 

3 papys qui ce voient retirer leur retraite décident de braquer une banque. Ils essayent d'abord tous seul en essayant de braquer le supermarché du coin mais bien sure ils foirent. 
Ils vont ensuite faire appel à un professionnel pour de l'aide. 
Voir ces trois papys essayer de faire le maximum pour aider leurs familles m'a vraiment touché. Ce film est aussi une belle histoire d'amitié. 
 Et il y a un chiot! *O* 
In English: 
If you are expecting something big like "Ocean Eleven" donc go see it because this one is juste adorable! 
3 grandpa who loses their retirement money decide to rub a bank. At first they try to do it themselves by trying to steal in the local supermarket but they fail. 
They then ask a pro for some help. 
Seeing these 3 gradpa doing the maximum they can to help their families really touched me. 
This film is also a really good story about friendship. 
And there is a puppy! *O*

"I love Dick" by Chris Kraus

Quatrième de couverture:

When Chris Kraus, an unsuccessful artist pushing forty, spends an evening with a rogue academic named Dick, she falls madly and inexplicably in love, enlisting her husband in her haunted pursuit. Dick proposes a kind of a game between them, but when he fails to answer their letters Chris continues alone, transforming an adolescent infatuation into a new form of philosophy.

Blurring the lines of fiction, essay and memoir, I love Dick is widely considered to be the most important feminist novel of the past two decades. With fans as diverse as Lena Dunham, Sheila Heti, Kim Gordon, Leslie Jamison, Zoe Pilger, Tavi Gevinson and Alexa Chung, it is still essential reading; as relevant, fierce and funny as ever. 

Where to find it: Wordery

Mon avis:

Je bosse pour une boutique de livre en ligne et quand j'ai vu le nombre de commandes que nous avons vendu pour celui ci je me suis dit que j'allais essayer... Et j'ai trouver le nom rigolo aussi xD 

Malheureusement je l'ai vite regretter. 
Ce livre es tellement horrible qu'il m'a fallu 1 mois pour terminer la première partie. 

Ce couple passe la nuit chez "Dick" et quand ils voient qu'il es partit le lendemain Chris n'es pas contente, devient accro et n'arrête pas d'en parler à son mari. Sylvère (le mari) propose à Chris d'écrire à Dick pour essayer de la soulager de sa colère. Mais une lettre deviens 2 puis 3 puis 20... ils décident aussi de l'appeler et enregistre les conversations. 

Ils harcèle ce pauvre Dick et je me suis vraiment senti très mal à lire ce livre. 
J'ai eu l'impression de faire parti du harcèlement. C'est pour cela que j'ai décider de mettre fin à cette lecture. 

Je ne le conseil pas du tout. 
J'ai vu par contre que cela à été adapter en film sur Amazon Prime avec Kevin Bacon. Je ne vais pas le regarder car 1) je n'ai pas Amazon Prime xD et 2) Je ne veux pas replonger dans cette histoire. Mais si vous tomber dessus par hasard (ou pas) faites moi savoir de vos impressions. Je suis curieuse. 

In English:

I work for an online bookshop and when I saw the number of orders we had for this book I thought I'd try... And I found the title funny as well xD 

Unfortunately I regreted it really quickly.
This book is so horrible it took me a month to finish the first part.

This couple spend the night at "Dick"'s place and when they see that he is gone in the morning Chris is mad and can't stop talking about him.Sylvère (her husband) proposed that she writes a letter to Dick as it might calm her down. But 1 letter becomes 2 then 3 then 20... They also try to call him and reccord the conversations. 

They are harassing the poor Dick and I felt really bad reading this book. 
It felt like I was part of the harassement. This is why I decided to stop reading it. 

I'm not advising you to read it. 
I also seen that it has been adapted into a film on Amazon Prime with Kevin Bacon. I am not going to watch it because 1) I don't have Amazon Prime xD and 2) I don't want to go back into that story. But if you watch by mistacke (or not) let me know what you think. I'm curious.

samedi 29 avril 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

The team struggles to keep its newfound family together as it tires to unravel the mystery of Peter Quill's true parentage in the outer reaches of the galaxy.

Mon avis:
Je n'avais pas aimé le premier film. Je l'avais trouvé vraiment ennuyeux mais quand mes amis m'ont demandé si je voulais faire une sortie ciné pour voir le volume 2 j'ai dit oui.
Et je doit dire que j'ai beaucoup aimé! 
L'histoire es cool. Vraiment mieux que le premier film. Et c'est tellement drôle! On ce marre vraiment surtout avec Drax. Et baby Groot es tellement mignon!! J'en veux un!
J'ai hâte de voir le prochain film maintenant. Et je vais surement revoir le premier au cas ou je change d'avis :)

In English:
I didn't like the fist film. I found it really boring but when my friends asked me if I wanted to see Volume 2 I said yes.
And I really enjoyed it!
The story is cool. Much better than the first one. And it's so funny! We laugh a lot especially with Drax. And baby Groot is so cute! I want one!
I'm really looking forward for the next one now. And I'm probably going to watch the first one as well. We never know I might change my mind :)
A lawyer obsessed with a curse that he believes has been cast over him and his family by the spectre of a Woman in Black, engages a sceptical young actor to help him tell his terrifying story and exorcise the fear that grips his soul. It all begins innocently enough, but then, as they reach further into his darkest memories, they find themselves caught up in a world of eerie marshes and moaning winds. - See more at:
A lawyer obsessed with a curse that he believes has been cast over him and his family by the spectre of a Woman in Black, engages a sceptical young actor to help him tell his terrifying story and exorcise the fear that grips his soul. It all begins innocently enough, but then, as they reach further into his darkest memories, they find themselves caught up in a world of eerie marshes and moaning winds. - See more at:

vendredi 14 avril 2017

"Forever" by Maggie Stiefvater

Quatrième de couverture:

When Sam met Grace, he was a wolf and she was a girl. Eventually he found a way to become a boy, and their loved moved from curious distance to the intense closeness of shared lives.

That should have been the end of their story. But Grace was not meant to stay human. Now she is the wolf. And the wolves of Mercy Falls are about to be killed in one final, spectacular hunt.

Sam would do anything for Grace. But can one boy and one love really change a hostile, predatory world? The past, the present, and the future are about to collide in one pure moment--a moment of death or life, farewell or forever.

Mon avis: 

Quand je commence un livre il faut que je le termine même si je n'accroche pas. Ce livre n'a pas fait exception à la règle. Il était tellement barbant! J'ai eu l'impression d'avoir passé des mois dessus mais je l'ai terminé! Youpii! 

Cela es vraiment dommage car j'avais adoré les deux premiers tomes. Cette histoire d'amour impossible entre cette fille et un loup garou dans le premier tome et l'apparition de deux nouveaux personnages dans le second avais donner plus de rythme à l'histoire.

Dans ce tome Sam, Grace Isabel et Cole sont toujours là mais Grace es maintenant un loup, Sam es toujours humain et il passe son temps à ce plaindre car Grace le manque. J'ai eu envie de le claquer du début à la fin! 
Quand Grace redeviens humaine il ne change pas. Il passe donc son temps à avoir peur de la perdre de nouveau. 
Heureusement que Cole es là pour essayer de trouver cet antidote mais malheureusement les chapitres qui lui sont consacrés sont très court et très peu. 

En plus de cela il ne ce passe rien. Il n'y a aucun rythme et inspecteur Koenig sort de on ne sais pas ou et connais le secret des loups garou mais ne nous dit pas comment. Et Sam es tellement stupide qu'il ne demande même pas et accepte son aide. 

Vraiment déçu par ce tome. 
J'espère que le prochain (juste basé sur Isabel et Cole) sera beaucoup mieux que celui ci.

In English:

When I start a book I have to finish it even if I don't like it. And it happened for this book. I was so boring! It felt like I spent months on this one but I managed to finish it. Yeepi!

This is really annoying because I really enjoyed the first two tomes. The impossible love story between this girl and a werewolf in the first tome and the apparition of two more characters in the second one gave more rythm to the story.

In this tomeSam, Grace, Isabel and Cole are still here but Grace is now a wolf, Sam is still a human and he spends his time complaining and misses Grace. I wanted to slap him from beginning to end!
When Grace comes back as a human he doesn't change. He then spends his time scared to lose her again.
Fortunately Cole is here trying to find a cure but unfortunately his chapters are to short and there isn't a lot at all.

And nothing happens. There isn't any rythm and insector Koenig comes out of nowhere and knows about the secret but we don't know how. And Sam is so stupid he doesn't even ask and accept his help.

Really disappointed by this tome. 
I really hope that the next one (only based on Isabel and Cole) will be better than this one.

mercredi 5 avril 2017

Ghost in the shell


In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: a human who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people's minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified to stop it. As she prepares to face a new enemy, Major discovers that her life was stolen instead of saved. Now, she will stop at nothing to recover her past while punishing those who did this to her.
Mon avis:
Pour être franche je ne sais pas trop quoi penser de ce film.
Je n'ai jamais vu l'animé (au début j'ai cru que le film était basé sur un jeu vidéo xD) du coup je ne savais pas vraiment à quoi m'attendre. 
L'histoire est un peu longuette, les personnages ne sont pas très intéressant et attachants, par contre le visuel es magnifique! j'ai vu ce film en 2D mais je pense qu'en 3D ça doit déboiter! J'ai aussi pas mal aimé le fait qu'il n'y ai pas de barrière de langue avec le boss qui parle Japonais et le reste du crew en Anglais et tout le monde ce comprend. Scarlett Johansson es parfaite comme toujours et cela à fait du bien de voir Juliette Binoche :) 
Donc en gros, d'après ce que j'en ai pensé, vous pouvez aller le voir mais pas besoin de ce précipité car ce n'es pas le film de l'année.
In English:
To be honest I don't really know what I thought about this film.
I never watched the anime (At first I thought the film was based on a video game xD) so I didn't really know what I was going into.
The story is a bit long, the characters aren't really interesting, but the visuals are amazing! I watched the film in 2D but I bet it's mind blowing in 3D! I also quite liked the fact that there was no language barriers between the characters with the boss speaking only in Japanese and the rest of the crew in English and they all understand each other. Scarlett Johansson is perfect as usual and it was good to see Juliette Binoche :)

So, from what I thought of it, you can go see it but you don't need to rish because it's not the film of the year.

vendredi 31 mars 2017

Power Rangers


Five ordinary teens must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove - and the world - is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so, they will have to overcome their real-life issues and before it's too late, band together as the Power Rangers.
Mon avis: 
2 heures de ma vie perdu à jamais. 
Je ne comprend pas pourquoi ils ont voulu faire un film de cette série télé. Série qui fonctionne toujours et, tout comme les tortues ninja, n'avais pas du besoin d'un film. 
L'histoire n'est pas très intéressante, les personnages ne sont pas attachants, leurs back stories sont ennuyantes, le Power Ranger rouge es le pire leader que j'ai jamais vu, il y a de l'humour pas drôle, et les caméras se basent juste sur 3 Power Rangers alors que c'est une équipe de 5 et je trouve cela vraiment ennuyant quand cela se passe comme ça. 
Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi dire à part que je suis vraiment déçu car Power Ranger était une de mes série préféré en grandissant et j'ai l'impression que ce film à ruiné mon enfance. 
In English:
2 hours of my life lost forever.
I don't understand why they decided to make a film of this tv show. Show that still works and, like the teenage mutant  ninja turtles, doesn't need a film.
The story isn't really interesting, the characters are annoying, their back stories are boring, the red Power Ranger is the worst leader I ever seen, there is a bit of humour but it's not even funny, ans the cameras are only on 3 out of the 5 Power Rangers and I find that really annoying when this happen. 
I don't really know what to say appart from the fact that Power Rangers was one of my favourite show growing up and this film feels like it ruined my childhood.

Beauty and the Beast


Belle, a bright, beautiful and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast in its castle. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle's enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the beast's hideous exterior, allowing her to recognize the kind heart and soul of the true prince that hides on the inside.

Mon avis:

A chaque nouveaux trailer j'avais vraiment peur d'aller voir ce film car je détestait tout ce que je voyais. Je trouve que Emma Watson n'es pas une bonne actrice, les personnages étaient affreux et l'accent Français de Ewan McGregor es affreux. 
Du coup quand le film es sorti je suis rentrer dans la salle de cinéma avec l'idée que j'allais détester ce film.
Je me suis complètement trompé! Ce film est un petit bijoux!
Tout es parfait! 
Le casting es parfait (oui même Emma Watson ^_^), les chansons sont tellement bien qu'à un moment j'ai cru être dans un théâtre à regarder une comédie musicale (J'ai même failli me lever et applaudir à un moment XD), et l'accent Français de Ewan McGregor ne m'a pas ennuyer.
Dès que je suis sorti de la salle j'avais envie d'aller au prochain screening pour le revoir ^_^

Si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu courez dans votre cinéma le plus proche!

In English:

Every time à was watching the trailers I was scared to go see the film because I hated everything about them. I don't think Emma Watson is a good actress, the characters looked ugly and Ewan McGregor French accent sounded awful.
So when the film came out I went thinking I was going to hate it.
I couldn't be more wrong! This film is a masterpiece!
Everything is perfect!
The cast is perfect (Yes even Emma Watson ^_^), the songs are so good I felt like I was at the theatre watching a musical (at one point I almost stood up to applause XD), and Ewan McGregor didn't bother me after all.
As soon as I left the room I wanted to go to the next screening to watch it again ^_^

If you haven't seen it yet run to the nearest cinema!

samedi 25 mars 2017



Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are on the cutting edge of one of the most important discoveries in human history: the first evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars. As members of the crew conduct their research, the rapidly evolving life-form proves far more intelligent and terrifying than anyone could have imagined.

Mon avis:

Pendant que tout le monde ce rue dans les cinéma pour aller voir la Belle et la Bête moi je suis allé voir Life. Et j'ai adoré!
A force de voir tous ces films à propos d'alien cela ne me donne pas envie de savoir si il y a de la vie sur une autre planète et ce film ne fait pas exception à la règle.
C'est horrible! Aller dans l'espace ne m'intéresse pas car voir comme on es vulnérable là haut cela me fait peur. Et quand un alien essaye de vous tuer c'est encore pire! 
J'ai eu la chaire d'ampoule tout le long. Cet alien es tellement terrifiant et ne pas savoir si le crew va réussir à s'en sortit ou non m'a tenu cramponné à mon siège. 
Et la fin! Oh mon dieu la fin! Je ne m'attendait pas à un retournement de situation comme celui ci!

In English:

While everyone is running to the cinema to see Beauty and the Beast I went to see Life. And I loved it!
Watching all these films about aliens doesn't makes me want to know if there is life on another planet and this film doesn't make exception.
It's horrible! Going to space doesn't interest me because seeing how vulnerable we are over there scares me. And when there is an alien trying to kill you it's even worst!
I had goose bumps all along. This alien is terrifying and not knowing if the crew is going to survive or not kept me on the edge of my seat.
And the ending! Oh my god the ending! I wasn't expecting this twist at all!

"The Red Mohawk" by Anonymous

Quatrième de couverture:

Everything seems peaceful in the small town of B Movie Hell until a mysterious serial killer in a skull mask topped with a red mohawk shows up and starts butchering the locals. Government agents Jack Munson and Milena Fonseca are sent to track down and eliminate the masked psychopath. But as they soon discover, the residents of B Movie Hell don't want their help. This is a town like no other, and the locals have many dark secrets.... 

Mon avis:

Je suis accro à la sage du Bourbon Kid donc quand j'ai appris que ce livre était par le même auteur je l'ai acheté direct!
Je l'ai lu direct et il es tellement bien!
Un peu déçu car ce n'es pas aussi visuel et violent que le bourbon kid mais c'est quand même sanglant et cela m'a donné pas mal de cauchemars xD
Il y a une suite et dans celle ci c'est le personnage du Red Mohawk et du Bourbon Kid ensemble. Ca va être de la bombe je suis sûre ^_^
Je viens aussi de voir qu'il y allais avoir un film et je suis heureuse! J'ai hâte de voir ce que ça va donner. 

In English:

I love the Bourbon Kid saga so when I saw that this book was from the same author I bought it!
I read it in one go and it's so good!
A bit disappointed because it isn't as violent and visual like the Bourbon Kid but it is really bloody and it gave me a few nightmares at night xD
There is a sequel and in this one there is the Bourbon Kid and the Red Mohawk together. This is going to be amazing I'm sure ^_^
I also just saw that there was going to be a film and I am so happy! I really can't wait to see how it's going to be.

Finding Dory


Dory is a wide-eyed, blue tang fish who suffers from memory loss every 10 seconds or so. The one thing she can remember is that she somehow became separated from her parents as a child. With help from her friends Nemo and Marlin, Dory embarks on an epic adventure to find them. Her journey brings her to the Marine Life Institute, a conservatory that houses diverse ocean species. Dory now knows that her family reunion will only happen if she can save mom and dad from captivity.

Mon avis:

La suite tant attendu du Monde de Nemo. 
Dans celui ci Dory ce souviens qu'elle a été séparé de ses parents quand elle était un tout mignon petit poisson et décide d'aller à leur recherche.
En gros c'est à peu près le même pitch que le premier. C'est sympa mais Dory perd beaucoup plus sa mémoire que dans le premier et c'est un peu énervant par moment.
Par contre on découvre le personnage de Hank. Ce poulpe es tellement bien! Et es devenu mon personnage préféré.
Je suis déçu que l'on ne sache pas ce qu'il est arrivé aux poissons qui étaient dans l'aquarium chez le dentiste dans le premier film. Cela aurais été bien de savoir si ils ont trouvé un moyen de s'échapper de leurs sacs plastique ou pas.

In English:

The sequel of Finding Nemo that we were all waiting for.
In this one Dory remembers that she has been separated from her family when she was a cute little fish and decide to look for them.
It's quite the same story as the first one. It's nice but Dory looses her memory a lot more than in Finding Nemo and it gets quite annoying from time to time.
But we discover the character of Hank and this is good. This octopus is awesome! And he became my favourite character.
I am disappointed that we don't know what happened  to the fishes that were in the aquarium at the dentist in the first film. It would have been cool to know if they managed to find a way to escape from their plastic bags.

samedi 18 mars 2017



In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X at a remote outpost on the Mexican border. His plan to hide from the outside world gets upended when he meets a young mutant who is very much like him. Logan must now protect the girl and battle the dark forces that want to capture her.

Mon avis:

Et voilà. C'est la fin pour Wolverine et quel fin! 
Oh mon dieu! C'était parfait! Brillant!et oui j'ai eu les larmes aux yeux.
C'est violent, c'est sanglant, c'est triste bref c'est ce que tu attend pour dire au revoir au plus gros rebel des X-men. Et je comprend aussi pourquoi Patrick Stewart à mentionné le fait que cela serais son dernier film en temps que Professor X. Cela ferais trop bizarre de le revoir après avoir vu ce qu'il ce passe dans celui ci.
Et dans ce film nous découvrons Dafne Keen. Cette petite fille ne parle presque pas mais bordel elle es bonne actrice! Je suis sûre que l'on va pas mal la voir après ce film.

In English:

That's it. The end of Wolverine and what an end! 
Oh my god! It was perfect! Brilliant! and yes I had tears in my eyes.
It's violent, it's bloody, it's sad. It's everything you are loonking for to say goodbye to the biggest X-men rebel. And I understand why Patrick Stewart mentionned that it will be his last film has Professor X. It will be to weird to see him back after what we see in this one.
And in this film we discover Dafne Keen. This little doesn't talk much but god she can act! I am sure that we are going to see a lot more of her after this film.

"Fantastic beasts and where to find them" read by Eddie Redmayne

Quatrième de couverture:

Narrated by Eddie Redmayne, this is the first audiobook edition of Scamander’s textbook ever to be released. Having starred as Newt Scamander himself in the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, who better to narrate this Hogwarts Library book from one of the wizarding world’s most famous magizoologists? 
Mon avis:
Je n'ai jamais vraiment intéressé par les livres audios mais dès que j'ai vu que Eddie Redmayne était le narrateur pour celui ci j'ai sauter sur l'occasion!
Qui de mieux pour nous lire ce journal que l'auteur lui même? :)
Au départ j'ai cru que cela allais être le screenplay pour le film et me suis demandé comment il allais faire mais il ce trouve que c'est le journal de ses découvertes qui nous es lu.
Il me prend 1h de marche pour aller au boulot et 1h pour retourner à la maison et j'ai donc décidé de l'écouter sur le chemin. Et c'était tellement bien!
Je n'ai pas vu le temps passé. J'ai cru qu'écouter une liste d'animaux allais être barbant. Et que la voix d'Eddie allais être ennuyeuse mais non. Je me suis laissé emporter et j'ai adoré.
Mon premier livre audio qui me donne envie d'essayer d'autres :)

In English:

I have never been interested in audio books but when I saw that Eddie Redmayne was the narator for this one I jumped on the occasion!
Who's best to read this journal than the author himself? :)
At first I thought it was going to be the screenplay for the film and I was wondering how he was going to do but turns out it is the journal of his discoveries that are being read.
It takes me 1 hour to walk to work and 1 hour to walk back so I decided to listen to it on the way. And it was so good!
I didn't see the time going! I thought that listening to  list of animals was going to be boring and that Eddie's voice was going to be annoying but no. I let myself in the book and I loved it.
My very first audio book that makes me want to try some more :)

vendredi 17 mars 2017



From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. When Judy Hopps becomes the first rabbit to join the police force, she quickly learns how tough it is to enforce the law. Determined to prove herself, Judy jumps at the opportunity to solve a mysterious case. Unfortunately, that means working with Nick Wilde, a wily fox who makes her job even harder.

Mon avis:

Quand j'ai vu que ce film avais gagné l'Oscar du meilleur film d'animation j’étais dégouté car il était en compétition avec Moana et venant de voir le film jamais j'aurais pensé que Zootropolis méritais cet award.
Mais ce vieux proverbe qui nous dit de ne pas juger un livre par sa couverture es bien vrai! Car en fait Zootropolis es génial et cet Oscar es vraiment mérité!
C'est tellement drôle! l'histoire es tellement bien et Ginnifer Goodwin fait un lapin tout mignon! 
Je ne sais pas quels voix ils ont dans la version Française mais ici elles colles à la perfection.
Je vous le conseil vivement :)

In English:

When I saw that this film won the Oscar for best animated feature film I was gutted because it was against Moana and as I just watched it I never thought Zootropolis deserved this award.
But this all saying that tell us not to judge a book by it's cover was right! Because in fact Zootropolis is awesome and this Oscar is well deserved!
It's so funny! The story is so cool and Ginnifer Goodwin makes such a cute rabbit!
I don't know which voices they have in the French version but here they fit perfectly.
You really need to watch it :)

samedi 11 mars 2017



Fences is the story of Troy Maxson, a mid-century Pittsburgh sanitation worker who once dreamed of a baseball career, but was too old when the major leagues began admitting black players. He tries to be a good husband and father, but his lost dream of glory eats at him, and causes him to make a decision that threatens to tear his family apart.

Mon avis:
Le trailer m'avais accroché et j'ai eu envie de le voir direct. 
Malheureusement je n'ai pas aimé.
Si je l'avais vu au théâtre, car c'était une pièce de théâtre au départ, j'aurais adoré! mais en tant que film ça ne fonctionne pas. 
C'est beaucoup trop long et il n'y a aucun rythme.
J'ai eu envie de sortir de la salle plusieurs fois.
Denzel Washington à fait une grosse erreur à adapter cette pièce pour le cinéma.
Mais par contre je doit avouer que Viola Davis es superbe dans ce rôle! 

In English:

The trailer made me want to watch it right away.
Unfortunately I didn't like it.
If I went to see it at the theatre, as it was a play at first, I would have loved it! but as a film it doesn't work.
It's to long and it doesn't have any rythme.
I wanted to leave the room a few times.
Denzel Washington made a big mistake by adapting this play for the cinema.
But I have to say that Viola Davis is amazing in this role!

vendredi 10 mars 2017

"A monster calls" by Patrick Ness

Quatrième de couverture:

Conor has the same dream every night, ever since his mother first fell ill, ever since she started the treatments that don't quite seem to be working. But tonight is different. Tonight, when he wakes, there's a visitor at his window. It’s ancient, elemental, a force of nature. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor. It wants the truth. Patrick Ness takes the final idea of the late, award-winning writer Siobhan Dowd and weaves an extraordinary and heartbreaking tale of mischief, healing and above all, the courage it takes to survive.
Mon avis: 
Oh mon dieu! Je n'arrive pas à croire que c'est une histoire pour jeunes adultes! Ce livre es tellement triste! 
Je ne sais pas comment j'ai fait pour ne pas pleurer.
Connor m'a tellement ému. Pauvre garçon seul avec sa mère malade. Pauvre garçon qui essaye d'être fort mais qui au fond ce sent tellement mal. 
Je vais devoir voir le film maintenant car je veux savoir si ils ont réussi à retranscrire toutes les émotions que l'on ressent en lisant ce livre. 
Lisez ce livre! mais si vous êtes sensible gardez un paquet de kleenex avec vous juste au cas ou :) 
En tout cas une chose es sûre! Vous ne serez pas déçu par celui ci.

In English:

Oh my god! I can't believe this story is for young adults! This book is so sad!
I have no idea how I managed not to cry.
Connor made me so emotionnal. Poor little boy alone with his mother who's ill. Poor little boy who tries to stay strong when deep down everything is wrong.
I will have to watch the film now because I want to know if they managed to keep all the emotions that we can feel while reading the book.
Read it! but if you are sensitive keep some tissues next to you just in case :) 
At least there is one sure thing! You won't be disappointed by this one.

Hidden figures


The incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson - brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.
Mon avis:
Je voulais voir ce film à tous prix. Et je suis heureuse d'avoir pu le voir avant qu'il ne soit plus au cinéma. Je suis sorti de la salle avec un gros sourire aux lèvres. Et je suis surtout sorti fière. 
Et je peu vous assurer que voir ce film vous rendra fier/fière aussi. 
Fière de ces femmes qui, malgré tout ce qui était contre elles à cause de la couleur de leur peau, n'ont pas baissé les bras et ont réalisé leurs rêves. 
Sans ces femmes nous ne seront pas là ou nous sommes aujourd'hui.  
Le racisme et l'égalité des sexes es encore un gros problème de nos jours mais ces femmes ont aider à changer ceci et nous devons continuer à nous battre pour abolir toute cette horreur et enfin devenir heureux tous ensemble.
Allez voir ce film d'urgence! 

In English:

I really wanted to see this film. I am happy I managed to see it before it goes off the cinema and I'm happy about it. I left the room with a big smile on my face. And I left the room proud.
And I can assure you that this film will make you proud as well.
Proud of these women who, despite everything that was against them because of the colour of their skin, never gave up and made their dreams come true.
Without these women we wouldn't be where we are today.
Racisme and equality is still a big problem nowadays but these women helped changing this and we need to keep fighting to stop this horror so we can finally live happy all together.
Go see this film immediately!

vendredi 3 mars 2017

Before I go to sleep by S.J.Watson

Quatrième de couverture:

So what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep? Your name, your identity, your past, even the people you love - all forgotten overnight. And the one person you trust may only be telling you half the story.
Mon avis: 
Une femme amnésique qui ne peu pas construire de nouveaux souvenirs et oublie tout pendant son sommeil. 
Au départ j'ai cru que cela allais être vraiment ennuyant et répétitif car elle aurais besoin de poser les mêmes questions tous les matins. Mais je me suis trompé.
Le fait qu'elle écrive ce journal fait qu'il ne ce passe pas la même chose à chaque fois. 
J'ai été tellement dans l'histoire que j'ai eu du mal à poser le livre. Tous les indices qui arrivent petit à petit jusqu'à ce qu'elle découvre la vérité m'a vraiment scotché. 
Je doit avoué que j'étais au milieu de l'histoire que j'avais déjà fait la connexion mais cela ne m'a pas spoilé mon enthousiasme :) 
Je le conseil vraiment.
In English:
An amnesic woman who can't build new memories and forget everything during her sleep.
At first I thought it was going to be really boring and repetitive because she would have to ask the same questions day in day out. But I was wrong.
The fact that she writes in her journal builds the fact that not the same things happen every time.
I was so into the story that I found it really hard to put the book down. Every clues that comes bit by bit until she discovers the truth really kept me on the edge of my seat.
I have to admit I was halfway through the book when I made the connection but it didn't spoil my enthusiasm :)
You need to read it. 

samedi 25 février 2017

Bridget Jones's baby

Bridget's focus on single life and her career is interrupted when she finds herself pregnant, but with one hitch ... she can only be fifty percent sure of the identity of her baby's father.  

Mon avis:

Cela fait tellement du bien de retrouver Bridget Jones.
Darcy de retour avec un Colin Firth plus miaou que jamais et Patrick Dempsey avec sa voix qui m'énerve à chaque fois car elle ne lui va pas. C'est comme si il n'a jamais mué xD

Dans ce film Bridget fait sa coquine car elle couche avec Darcy et Jack dans la même semaine et ce retrouve donc enceinte. Mais qui es le père? C'est ce que nous cherchons donc avec notre Bridget.

9mois bien marrant qui ce passe entre recherche de Jack et grossesse avec deux hommes qui ne savent pas qu'ils ne sont peut être pas le père.

J'ai vraiment aimé, pas mal rigolé et changer d'avis sur l'identité du père 2 ou 3 fois. Je ne sais pas si je suis d'accord avec le choix finale. Même si je suis contente je n'arrête pas d'y repensé 2 jours après avoir vu le film ^_^

Bridget Jones est une saga que je ne veux pas s'arrête. C'est tellement frais et rigolo que je termine le film de bonne humeur et avec un sourire aux lèvres. J'espère que d'autres films se feront. 

In English:

It is so good to have Bridget Jones back.
Darcy is back with a Colin Firth as handsome as ever and Patrick Dempsey with his annoying voice that doesn't suits him. It's like he still has his baby voice xD 

In this film Bridget is naughty as she sleeps with Darcy and Jack in the same week and then falls pregnant. But who's the father? That's what we are trying to find out with our Bridget.

9 funny months that goes between trying to find Jack and a pregnancy with two men who don't know that they might not be the father.

I really enjoyed it, laughed quite a bit and even changed my mine a few times about the identity of the father. I'm not even sure if I'm okay with the finale choice. Even if I'm happy I still think about it 2 days after I watched the film ^_^

Bridget Jones is a saga that I don't want to stop. It's so fresh and funny every time I finish one of the films I end up in a good mood and with a huge smile on my face. I hope more films will come.

vendredi 24 février 2017

The girl on the train by Paula Hawkins

Quatrième de couverture:

Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She’s even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason’, she calls them. Their life – as she sees it – is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy.

And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough.

Now everything’s changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she’s only watched from afar.

Now they’ll see; she’s much more than just the girl on the train…
Mon avis:
Pour être franche j'ai regardé le film alors que j'était aux 3/4 du livre du coup j'ai arrêté de le lire car c'était un peu ridicule de le finir alors que je venais de voir la fin.
Dans le livre l'histoire ce situe en Angleterre en dehors de Londres. Dans le film l'histoire ce situe aux Etats Unis en dehors de New York. Pourquoi? Je ne comprend pas ce gros changement.
Dans le livre Anna es très stressé, passe beaucoup de temps au lit et ne passe pas beaucoup de temps avec se fille même si elle aime sa famille. Dans le film Anna va très bien, toujours à jouer avec sa fille et va même jusqu'à essayer d'affronter Rachel dans la rue. Pourquoi lui changer de personnalité comme cela? 
Dans le livre j'ai eu envie de prendre Rachel par les épaules et la secouer pour la réveiller. Dand le film j'ai eu de la peine pour elle.
Dans le livre comme dans le film Megan m'a gonflé.

Livre comme film je vous les conseils. Car même si je n'ai pas le terminé j'ai quand même beaucoup apprécié ma lecture et dans le film Emily Blunt es vraiment super! 

In English:

To be honest I watched the film when I was in around 3/4 of the book so I stopped reading it as it was a bit silly to keep going when I just watched the ending.

In the book the story takes place in England outside of London. In the film the story takes place in th States outside of New York. Why? I don't understand this big change.
In the book Anna is really stressed, spends a lot of time in bed and not a lot with her daughter even if she loves her very much. In the film Anna is fine, always playing with her daughter and even tries to have a go at Rachel in the street. Why changing her personnality like that?
In the book I wanted to grab Rachel by the shoulder and shakes her to wakes her up. In the film I was sad for her.
In the book like in th film Megan annoyed me.

Book like film you should really have a go at them. Even if I didn't finish the book I really enjoyed it and in the film Emily Blunt is really good!

lundi 20 février 2017

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children by Ramson Riggs

Quatrième de couverture: 

A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. And a strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children;, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children who once lived here - one of whom was his own grandfather - were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a desolate island for good reason. And somehow - impossible though it seems - they may still be alive. A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photographyMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows.
Mon avis:
Un mélange de vraies photographies et de fiction.
Après la mort tragique de son grand père Jacob part à la recherche de son passé et découvre Miss Pérégrine et ses enfants particuliers.
Une histoire qui m'avais vraiment tenté mais tentation qui à malheureusement disparue une fois le livre ouvert.
J'ai trouvé l'histoire trainant vraiment en longueur. Je me suis ennuyé et même du faire une pause de quelques semaines pour retrouver la motivation de le finir.

Je vais quand même lire les deux autres tomes car je suis curieuse de ce qui va ce passé et voir le film aussi car j'aime Tim Burton mais je ne vais pas me presser.

In English:

A mix of real photographs and fiction.
After the tragic death of his grandfather Jacob goes on an adventure to look in his past and discover Miss Peregrine and her peculiar children.

A story that I was really tempted to get into but the temptation unfortunately vanished once I opened the book.
I found the story really long. I was so bored I had to take a few weeks break to find the motivation to open the book again.

I am still going to read the other two books because I am curious of what is going to happen next et I will watch the film because I love Tim Burton but I'm not going to rush into it.


In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the Demigod to set things right.
Mon avis:
Après le désastre qu'à été "the good dinosaur" cela fait du bien de retrouver Disney au top de sa forme.
Ce film est un petit bijou.Je suis sorti de la salle avec un gros sourire aux lèvres.
J'ai ri, j'ai pleuré, j'ai adoré.
Il n'y a rien de mauvais dans ce film. Les chansons sont géniales et Dwayne Johnson es super! 
Je le conseil vivement!
In English:
After the desaster that was "the good dinosaur" it feels so good to have Disney back at the top.
This film is perfect. I left the room with a huge smile on my face.
I laughed, I cried, I loved it.
There is nothing bad about this film. The songs are awesome and Dwayne Johnson is great!
You have to see it :)

vendredi 17 février 2017


Quatrième de couverture:

Once Grace and Sam have found each other, they know they must fight to stay together. For Sam, this means a reckoning with his werewolf past. For Grace, it means facing a future that is less and less certain.
Into their world comes a new wolf named Cole. He is wrestling with his own demons, embracing the life of a wolf while denying the ties of a human. For Grace, Sam, and Cole, life is a constant struggle between two forces--wolf and human--with love baring its two sides as well. It is harrowing and euphoric, freeing and entrapping, enticing and alarming. As their world falls apart, love is what lingers. But will it be enough?

Mon avis: 

Le deuxième tome de la saga des Loups de Mercy Fall.
J'avais dévoré le premier tome d'un coup. Cette histoire d'une fille qui tombe amoureuse d'un loup garou et qui fait tout pour l'aider à rester humain. C'est mimi comme tout.

Dans le deuxième tome Grace et Sam sont toujours aussi amoureux. L'antidote à fonctionné pour Sam et ils vivent leurs petites vie à Mercy Fall.
Mais quand Grace tombe malade tout chavire.

Ce livre es un peu long et cheesy de temps en temps mais toujours aussi bien. Et ce tome nous apporte deux nouveaux personnages, Cole et Isabel, et cela fait du bien de voir l'histoire du point de vu de ces deux là. Voir ce qu'il ce passe en dehors du coup de foudre des personnages principaux.

J'ai vraiment hâte de lire le dernier pour voir ce qu'il va ce passer et pouvoir un parler un peu mieux ^_^

In English:

The second tome of the Wolf of Mercy Fall saga.
I loved the first book. The story of this girl who falls in love with a werewolf and does everything she can to help stay human. This is so cute.

In the second tome Grace and Sam are still in love. The cure seems to be working for Sam and they live their lives in Mercy Fall.
But when Grace fall sick everything falls apart.

This book is a bit long and to cheesy from time to time but still very good. And this one brings us two new characters, Cole and Isabel, and it feels good to see the story from their point of view. To see what happens outside of Grace and Sam's love story.

I can't wait to read the last one so I can see what is going to happen et be able to talk about it a bit better ^_^

samedi 11 février 2017



While the mental divisions of those with dissociative identity disorder have long fascinated and eluded science, it is believed that some can also manifest unique physical attributes for each personality, a cognitive and physiological prism within a single being. Though Kevin has evidenced 23 personalities to his trusted psychiatrist, Dr. Fletcher, there remains one still submerged who is set to materialize and dominate all the others. Compelled to abduct three teenage girls led by the willful, observant Casey, Kevin reaches a war for survival among all of those contained within him - as well as everyone around him - as the walls between his compartments shatter apart.

Mon avis:

Wow! Cela es le premier mot que j'ai dit en sortant de la salle. 
Ce film es tellement bon! Du début à la fin!
Tout es parfait. Surtout James McAvoy. Le voir changer d'identité en identité nous prouve quel bon acteur il es (on avais pas besoin de preuve mais c'est officiel maintenant ^_^)
Je n'ai juste pas compris le caméo de Bruce Willis mais à part cela c'est un film que je conseil vivement.

In English:

Wow! This is the first word I said when I left the room.
This film is so good! From beginning to end!
Everything is perfect. Especially James McAvoy. Seeing him changing from identity to identity proves what a good actor he is (we didn't need proof but it makes it official now ^_^)
I just didn't understood Bruce Willis's cameo in the end but appart from that it's a film that you should really see. 

Lego Batman the movie


There are big changes brewing in Gotham, but if Batman (Will Arnett) wants to save the city from the Joker's (Zach Galifianakis) hostile takeover, he may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up. Maybe his superhero sidekick Robin (Michael Cera) and loyal butler Alfred (Ralph Fiennes) can show him a thing or two.
Mon avis:
Je n'avais pas aimé "The lego movie" mais Batman étant mon super préféré j'ai décidé d'aller le voir. 
Je n'aurais pas dû. Cela à été une grosse perte de temps. 
Ce n'est pas marrant (nous étions une dizaine dans la salle et personne n'a ris) et c'est barbant (j'ai pensé à sortir de la salle à un moment).
Je doit avoué que les graphiques sont géniaux mais cela n'aide pas à donner une bonne histoire avec un Batman que tu n'a pas envie de frapper. 
Je crois que je vais abandonner avec les films Lego.

In English:

I didn't like "The lego movie" but Batman being my favourite super hero I decided to give it a go.
I shouldn't have. It was a waste of time.
It's not funny (we were around 10 in the room and no one laughed once) and it's boring (I thought about leaving the room at one point).
I have to admit the designs are awesome but it didn't help it being a good story. 
I wanted to slap Batman in the face the whole film. 
I think I'm going to give up with the Lego films