vendredi 10 mars 2017

"A monster calls" by Patrick Ness

Quatrième de couverture:

Conor has the same dream every night, ever since his mother first fell ill, ever since she started the treatments that don't quite seem to be working. But tonight is different. Tonight, when he wakes, there's a visitor at his window. It’s ancient, elemental, a force of nature. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor. It wants the truth. Patrick Ness takes the final idea of the late, award-winning writer Siobhan Dowd and weaves an extraordinary and heartbreaking tale of mischief, healing and above all, the courage it takes to survive.
Mon avis: 
Oh mon dieu! Je n'arrive pas à croire que c'est une histoire pour jeunes adultes! Ce livre es tellement triste! 
Je ne sais pas comment j'ai fait pour ne pas pleurer.
Connor m'a tellement ému. Pauvre garçon seul avec sa mère malade. Pauvre garçon qui essaye d'être fort mais qui au fond ce sent tellement mal. 
Je vais devoir voir le film maintenant car je veux savoir si ils ont réussi à retranscrire toutes les émotions que l'on ressent en lisant ce livre. 
Lisez ce livre! mais si vous êtes sensible gardez un paquet de kleenex avec vous juste au cas ou :) 
En tout cas une chose es sûre! Vous ne serez pas déçu par celui ci.

In English:

Oh my god! I can't believe this story is for young adults! This book is so sad!
I have no idea how I managed not to cry.
Connor made me so emotionnal. Poor little boy alone with his mother who's ill. Poor little boy who tries to stay strong when deep down everything is wrong.
I will have to watch the film now because I want to know if they managed to keep all the emotions that we can feel while reading the book.
Read it! but if you are sensitive keep some tissues next to you just in case :) 
At least there is one sure thing! You won't be disappointed by this one.

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